Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Best Stocks To Own Right Now


Wall Street brokerages predict that BJ’s Restaurants, Inc. (NASDAQ:BJRI) will report earnings per share (EPS) of $0.21 for the current fiscal quarter, according to Zacks. Seven analysts have provided estimates for BJ’s Restaurants’ earnings, with the lowest EPS estimate coming in at $0.18 and the highest estimate coming in at $0.24. BJ’s Restaurants reported earnings per share of $0.15 during the same quarter last year, which indicates a positive year over year growth rate of 40%. The business is expected to issue its next earnings results on Thursday, October 25th.

According to Zacks, analysts expect that BJ’s Restaurants will report full year earnings of $2.12 per share for the current financial year, with EPS estimates ranging from $2.03 to $2.17. For the next financial year, analysts expect that the company will report earnings of $2.34 per share, with EPS estimates ranging from $2.23 to $2.41. Zacks Investment Research’s earnings per share averages are an average based on a survey of sell-side analysts that that provide coverage for BJ’s Restaurants.

Best Stocks To Own Right Now: United Bankshares Inc.(UBSI)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Stephan Byrd]

    BidaskClub upgraded shares of United Bankshares (NASDAQ:UBSI) from a hold rating to a buy rating in a research report sent to investors on Saturday.

  • [By Shane Hupp]

    Shares of United Bankshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:UBSI) have been assigned an average recommendation of “Hold” from the seven brokerages that are currently covering the firm, Marketbeat.com reports. Five investment analysts have rated the stock with a hold recommendation and one has issued a buy recommendation on the company. The average 12 month price target among analysts that have issued ratings on the stock in the last year is $39.33.

  • [By Shane Hupp]

    Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on United Bankshares (UBSI)

    For more information about research offerings from Zacks Investment Research, visit Zacks.com

Best Stocks To Own Right Now: KBR, Inc.(KBR)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Logan Wallace]

    Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on KBR (KBR)

    For more information about research offerings from Zacks Investment Research, visit Zacks.com

  • [By Logan Wallace]

    Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on KBR (KBR)

    For more information about research offerings from Zacks Investment Research, visit Zacks.com

  • [By ]

    Though an under-the-radar name, KBR was the construction arm of oilfield services giant Halliburton (NYSE: HAL) before being spun off. With a consolidated market cap of $2.6 billion, KBR describes itself, per its website, as a "global provider of differentiated professional services and technologies… within the Government Services and Hydrocarbon sectors."

  • [By Shane Hupp]

    These are some of the news headlines that may have impacted Accern Sentiment Analysis’s analysis:

    Get KBR alerts: Zacks: Analysts Anticipate KBR, Inc. (KBR) Will Announce Quarterly Sales of $1.31 Billion (americanbankingnews.com) Brokerages Anticipate KBR, Inc. (KBR) to Announce $0.39 Earnings Per Share (americanbankingnews.com) Should Value Investors Buy KBR Inc. (KBR) Stock? (zacks.com) Court says Swiss can help French in probe of alleged Unaoil corruption (finance.yahoo.com) F-Score Review on These Stocks: KBR, Inc. (NYSE:KBR), Luceco plc (LSE:LUCE) (vassarnews.com)

    Shares of KBR stock opened at $20.57 on Thursday. The company has a current ratio of 1.28, a quick ratio of 1.28 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.66. KBR has a 12-month low of $14.40 and a 12-month high of $21.69. The company has a market cap of $2.95 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 13.81, a P/E/G ratio of 1.64 and a beta of 1.20.

Best Stocks To Own Right Now: Phillips 66 Partners LP(PSXP)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    Phillips 66 Partners (NYSE:PSXP) had its price target reduced by stock analysts at Credit Suisse Group from $61.00 to $59.00 in a research note issued to investors on Monday. The brokerage currently has an “outperform” rating on the oil and gas company’s stock. Credit Suisse Group’s price objective would indicate a potential upside of 17.04% from the stock’s previous close.

  • [By Matthew DiLallo]

    While those customer commitments were hard to come by over the past few years due to the turbulence in the oil market, energy companies are beginning to grow more optimistic about the future. Because of that, Phillips 66 Partners (NYSE:PSXP) and several other partners were able to secure the necessary commitments to move forward with the Gray Oak Pipeline, which will transport oil out of the fast-growing Permian Basin. That project will enable these companies to generate more income, likely allowing them to boost their already above-average payouts.

  • [By Reuben Gregg Brewer]

    There was a similar trend for smaller midstream player Phillips 66 Partners LP (NYSE:PSXP). It was down 19% in 2018 and rose 16% in January. But the trend didn't hold for Sunoco LP (NYSE:SUN), which distributes gasoline. This limited partnership was off by 4% in 2018, two percentage points less than the broader market, and up 12% in January. Cheniere Energy Partners LP (NYSEMKT:CQP) and Cheniere Energy Inc. (NYSEMKT:LNG) were even further from the pack, up 12% and 11%, respectively, in January after posting gains of 21% and roughly 10%, respectively, in 2018.

  • [By Travis Hoium, Matthew DiLallo, and Todd Campbell]

    We asked three of our Foolish contributors for their top dividends today and Phillips 66 Partners (NYSE:PSXP), Las Vegas Sands (NYSE:LVS), and Hess Midstream Partners (NYSE:HESM) were at the top of the list. And these are very different dividends indeed. 

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